Is your Barclays fixed rate ending? switch to a new mortgage deal with cashback

If you already have a mortgage with Barclays we have made it easy to switch to a new deal.

Are you an existing Barclays mortgage customer approaching the end of your term? If so, you're likely considering your options for a new mortgage deal. Fortunately, switching to a new deal with Barclays itself has never been easier. Here's how you can streamline the process:

Quick and Easy Application Process:

  • We'll provide you with a comprehensive list of available deals tailored to your needs and preferences.

  • Answer a few straightforward questions, and receive a recommendation instantly

  • If you initiate the application online but find you need assistance, our expert advisers are on standby to offer guidance and support.

Benefits of Switching:

  • Efficiency: You can confirm your instant recommendation immediately online and you are done

  • Flexibility: Secure an interest rate for your new deal up to six months before your current one ends, giving you peace of mind and financial planning flexibility.

  • Cost Savings: Enjoy cost-saving benefits such as waived Early Repayment Charges (ERCs) if you're in the last three months of your current deal. It's our way of thanking you for your loyalty.

  • No Additional Fees: Say goodbye to legal fees and valuation charges, making the switch even more appealing.

Switching to a new mortgage deal with Barclays is not only convenient but also financially advantageous. Whether you're looking for a better rate, more flexibility, or simply a seamless transition, we've got you covered by checking all options for you from Barclays and the next best lender.

At ChangeMyMortgage, the UK's first automated mortgage platform for existing mortgage holders, we've made the process a breeze. In just 15 minutes, you can automatically recieve a unique mortgage recommendation from both your current lender and the next best one. We are at hand to provide free mortgage advice and also up to £500 in cashback, making the decision even sweeter.

Whether you're sticking with your existing or new or exploring new possibilities, ChangeMyMortgage is here to help. Drop us a line today and take charge of your financial future!

*15 minutes is based on average completion time. Cashback is subject to completion of a mortgage through Changemymortgage.


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