Looking for Halifax Mortgage Advisors?

Get an free instant personal mortgage recommendation through Changemymortgage and up to £500 in cashback

As an existing Halifax mortgage holder, you might be thinking about renewing your mortgage or finding a new deal. It seems natural to reach out directly to Halifax to discuss your options. However, before you take that step, consider whether you're getting the full picture. ChangeMyMortgage offers a unique and comprehensive solution that could be more beneficial for you.

In house Halifax Mortgage Advisors: A Limited Perspective

Halifax is a well-established and reputable lender, and as an existing customer, you might be inclined to go straight to them for your remortgaging needs. Speaking directly to Halifax can give you access to their current products they may offer. However, Halifax can only present you with their own products. This means you might be missing out on potentially better deals from other lenders in the market.

A quick check with ChangeMyMortgage just to be sure

ChangeMyMortgage offers a different approach. As an independent, whole-of-market broker, they can compare Halifax's offers with those from a wide range of other lenders. This ensures that you are not only considering Halifax's deals but also exploring all possible options to find the best rate and terms for your situation.

Innovative Technology for Instant Mortgage recommendation

ChangeMyMortgage stands out with its cutting-edge technology. Their platform considers all your needs and instantly recommends a personal mortgage deal, whether the best deal you can get is from Halifax or from other lenders. This instant comparison provides you with an independent recommendation instantly, helping you make a well-informed decision quickly and efficiently so you can be sure that you had a quick instant check to make sure you will not be paying more than you should for your mortgage.

Cashback Incentives: An Added Bonus

One of the most appealing reasons to choose ChangeMyMortgage is their cashback offer. They provide up to £500 cashback, which you won't get by going directly to Halifax. This cashback is a great incentive, putting extra money back into your pocket simply for choosing ChangeMyMortgage to handle your remortgaging needs.

Personalised Service with a Human Touch

While ChangeMyMortgage leverages advanced technology generating a mortgage recommendation 24/7, they also offer a personalised service. Their advisors are available to guide you through the process, answer your questions, and ensure you feel confident in your decision. This combination of technology and personal service ensures you get the best of both worlds.

Independent and Unbiased Advice

Choosing an independent, whole-of-market broker like ChangeMyMortgage means you receive unbiased advice tailored to your needs. They are not tied to any single lender, so their priority is finding the best deal for you. Even a small difference in your mortgage rate can save you thousands over the term of a fixed-rate mortgage, making the choice of broker crucial.

Conclusion: Make the Smart Choice

As a Halifax mortgage holder, it's tempting to go directly to them for your remortgaging needs. However, by doing so, you might be limiting yourself to a narrow view of your options. ChangeMyMortgage offers a broader perspective, instant and independent comparisons, access to the whole market, and up to £500 cashback. Before you decide, consider the benefits of using ChangeMyMortgage. It's a smarter, more efficient way to secure the best mortgage deal tailored specifically to your needs.

ChangeMyMortgage is the UK's first automated mortgage platform for existing mortgage holders, we've made the process a breeze. In just 15 minutes*, Our unique technology will provide a personal mortgage rate from your existing mortgage lender and also from the next best lender and recommend if it’s best to stay with your existing lender or move. We are at hand to provide free mortgage advice and also up to £500 in cashback, making the decision even sweeter.

You can begin your application here fill in a few details and the end of the 15 minutes* you will have a unique mortgage recommendation generated for you from your existing and next best lender.

*15 minutes is based on average completion time. Cashback is subject to completion of a mortgage through Changemymortgage.


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